Saturday, October 17, 2009

This Is America, Land of Rule Breakers

Chester City Firefighter Suspended Over American Flag Sticker

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Once again, the point is lost. This isn't about whether or not an American flag is offensive, it is about keeping others from posting offensive items. Unfortunately, in this climate of 'give an inch, take a mile', employers are forced to take an all or nothing stance.

So many people are unable to differentiate between what is and isn't OK to post in a public area, the only way to prevent it from becoming a lawsuit is to ban everything. I worked in offices for many years, some allowed personal affects, some didn't. In the offices that allowed it, without fail, there would be at least one person a week calling foul because they were asked to take down an offensive item. When I was an employee, I would do everything I could to make sure their mistakes didn't affect my ability to post my extremely necessary "Live Long and Prosper" sign. When I became a supervisor and had to be the one to address the offenders, I became very anti-personal items. There were times I would pass a desk and not notice something someone else considered offensive, just to be called out later for allowing someone to break the rules. If the rule was no personal items, then it was easier to know when I had an issue to address. With most things, the few ruin it for the many.

This firefighter's refusal to remove his flag doesn't show his patriotism, it shows his lack of respect for rules. His anger shouldn't be pointed towards those who made the rule, but rather those who forced the station to make the rule.

1 comment:

Fanboy Wife said...

It is very true that some people ruin it for everyone. It is a lot easier just to say "no one can do [whatever]" than have to make a judgment call each time.

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